Year of Love Project

Day Three: Questionable Content

Marten Reed, Dora Bianchi, Faye Whitaker

Questionable Content (aka QC) is one of the webcomics that I've been following for about two years now. It's one of my favourite webcomics, and I'm constantly refreshing the site during the evenings while waiting for new updates during the week (and sometimes on the weekends when I lose track of what day it is). One of my favourite things about QC is usually little things added into the backgrounds, like a sign telling people not to Rick Roll the audience, interesting specials, and interesting art on the walls.  

The plot follows the lives of Marten Reed and his friends, Faye Whitaker, Hannahlore Ellicott-Chatham, and his girlfriend Dora Bianchi (as well as many more of their friends and acquaintances, and some strange yelling birds...). Originally, the plot was meant to be about the lonely Marten Reed and his robot Pintsize, but as time went along more characters entered the scene and made for a much more interesting plot. The creator of QC, Jeph Jacques, first started posting Questionable Content online in August 2003 and to date there are 1,571 strips in total. 

Author(s) Jeph Jacques
Current Status /Schedule Updates every weekday
Launch Date 1 August 2003
Genre(s) Humor/Slice-of-Life

 Click the image to see the original size.


Questionable Content takes place in Northampton, Massachusetts; the most frequent setting locales include Marten and Faye's shared apartment, Coffee of Doom (the fictional coffee shop Dora owns), and Smith College's Williston Library where Marten is employed. (The real Williston Library is at Mount Holyoke College; the public library in Jacques' hometown of Easthampton is also called the Williston Library. The main library at Smith is Neilson.) The comic is mostly realistic (with occasional bouts of absurdity), and action primarily focuses on banter between the characters, with slowly-progressing plot developments. Due to the emphasis on inter-character dialogue, Jacques rarely uses thought bubbles in the comic.

The comic appears to be set in modern times, though the presence of anthropomorphic robots with individual personalities (called "AnthroPCs" within the comic) implies some sort of futuristic technology. However all music and band references in the comic are current at the time of each individual strip's publishing. The AnthroPCs are the only consistent signs of advanced technology in the series. When other technological advances are referenced, they usually never get developed beyond one or two strips. Some of the memorable technological creations in QC are the Deathbot 9000; a Vespa scooter that transforms into a battle droid; humans living permanently in space, and orbital defense satellites capable of conversation. Jacques remarked of the setting:

Something people do not often realize is that the world in which QC takes place is considerably stranger than our own. You'd think that with all the little talking robots running around everywhere that this would be obvious, but I am consistently surprised at how often people take it for granted.

—Jeph Jacques, Questionable Content

The internal chronology of the strip is somewhat ambiguous; on January 13, 2006, Jeph Jacques stated on a LiveJournal fan community that he has "never sat down and exactly tabulated," but he suspects the total amount of elapsed QC time at that point was "no more than six months." Jacques also estimated that by the 1,400th comic, the elapsed time will have been "greater than six months and less than two years."

Faye Whitaker, Dora Bianchi  

Marten Reed is QC's main character, and the first character to be introduced at the strip's beginning. He is an indie rock fan and former "office bitch" who now works at the Smith College Library. Marten lives with Faye, whom he was romantically interested in for many months, but he is now dating Dora. Marten is in a band named Deathmøle with neighbors Amir, Hannelore and formerly Natasha.

Faye Whitaker is an employee at Coffee of Doom. She moves to Northampton from Savannah, Georgia, two years after a nervous breakdown resultant from witnessing her father's suicide and moves in with Marten after she burns down her apartment with a toaster. Faye is known for a quick wit and a sharp tongue, usually used in affection. Faye was celibate for a long time, then impulsively slept with Dora's brother Sven. A short time later, the two of them had a falling out when Sven confessed to sleeping with fictional country music starlet Gina Riversmith. Her first appearance was in comic number three. 
Dora Bianchi is Marten's girlfriend, a bisexual former goth who owns and operates the coffee shop Coffee of Doom. Unlike most of the main characters, she prefers metal to indie rock. Dora does graphic and web design in her spare time and claims to have a long history of social anxiety that she tries to hide with her use of sass. Dora first appeared in comic 75.
Hannelore Ellicott-Chatham (nicknamed Hanners) is Marten and Faye's eccentric upstairs neighbor, who lives in apartment number 33. She has a rather severe case of obsessive-compulsive disorder, is an insomniac, and counts things for a living. Hannelore has a raw talent for playing drums (which she describes as "counting with your whole body"); she was introduced to drumming by Marten, and has joined Deathmøle. Her parents are both billionaires, but have paid little attention to her during all her life. Hannelore first appeared in comic 515[38].
Pintsize is Marten's AnthroPC, and was the second character introduced in the comic's first strip. He is a companion to Marten and frequently used for comic relief, throw-away gags or to add punchlines to a strip.
Raven Pritchard, a native of Houston, is an ex-goth friend of Dora's and a junior employee at Coffee of Doom. Although she is energetic and cheerful now, Dora claims that Raven was 20 pounds heavier in college and very depressed. Raven goes by her middle name as she dislikes her first name, Blodwyn (Welsh for 'White Flower'). While generally depicted as being somewhat 'air-headed' and oblivious, she has been known to display remarkable intellect and insight at times, and it has even been hinted that her mental 'slowness' might just be an act. Comic 1509 revealed that Raven is pursuing a doctorate in physics. Raven's parents both occupy professions that require a lot of mental capability. Raven was first showed in a unnamed apearance in comic 46, and her first appearance as a regular character was in comic 102.
Steve is one of Marten's close friends. Steve is described "more adept at dating than Marten".[47] He is, however, prone to frequently going out of control after a break-up, and was tapped by an unspecified US intelligence agency because "nobody would believe [him] if [he] tried to expose [them]" in his drunken stupor . Steve first appeared in comic 3. He has recently started dating Cosette

Sven Bianchi is Dora's older brother, a successful writer of country music songs. Sven has a very active love and sex life, though he claims to have calmed down. Sven and Faye had a physical relationship, although that physical relationship ended after Sven had a one-night stand with Gina Riversmith, a fictional country singer. Sven first appeared in comic 328.
Penelope Gaines (often called Penny or Pen-pen over her objections, or will have her name pronounced to rhyme with "Antelope" to similar objections) is the newest employee of Coffee of Doom. She is suspected of having been the superhero Pizza Girl, formerly a recurring character. She was courted by Sven's friend Wil, a poet, but they only had two awkward dates before he decided to find himself on the road. He kept correspondence with her while he was away, and now that he has since returned, Penelope is helping Wil find work while he stays with her.  Penelope first appeared in comic 698.
Tai studies English at Smith College, and is Marten's boss at the library. She is a lesbian with a very active and complicated love life, sports numerous tattoos on her arms, and is a great fan of Jimbo's romance novels. She goes by the DJ name Tai Fighter. Tai first appeared in comic 691.
Winslow is Hannelore's Macintosh model AnthroPC. He resembles an oversized iPod with arms and legs. Though Winslow was initially taunted by Pintsize with "pictures of equine molestation," the two are now friends. Winslow is a cautious foil to Pintsize's reckless nature. Winslow first appeared in comic 527.
Angus McPhee is a regular customer of 'Coffee of Doom', and is obviously romantically interested in Faye Whitaker, though the level of reciprocation is unclear. Angus is employed as a 'professional strawman', and enjoys Faye's rapier wit. He shares an apartment with Marigold, a very messy computer expert who has fixed Pintsize for Marten in exchange for Hannelore's cleaning expertise. Angus first appeared in comic 710.


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About the Year of Love Project

Simply put, I am going to write a blog post everyday for a year about something I love. After watching the movie Julie & Julia, and realizing I needed something to help me get away from the winter blues, I decided that a blog would be a good idea.

So everyday, I'll be making a post about something that makes me smile, laugh, feel excited, or cheer me up. It could be anything from a movie I can't get enough of, or a video game I've played so many times I had to buy a new copy after the original one.